membershipexecutivestanding committees


 Affiliate Membership: NCWWA is a peak body offering membership to a diverse range of affiliated women's organisations with similar or compatible aims and objectives.  Each affiliate organisation is entitled to elect two voting members to the Council.


 Associate Membership:  NCWWA has a considerable membership of Associate Members - individual women not necessarily linked to other member organisations, whose application for individual membership is ratified by Council.  All Associates are voting members.


 Rural Membership:  Women living in rural and remote areas are encouraged to join National Council of Women of W.A.  Reduced membership fees are offered in recognition of their not being able to attend meetings on a regular basis.


 Honorary Life Membership:  Long-standing members who have made an outstanding contribution to the Council may be offered an Honorary Life Membership.  At any one time, there can be up to ten (10) Honorary Life Members.





Affilliate membership application pdf 2 pages

Affilliate membership renewal pdf  2 pages



Associate membership application pdf 

Associate membership renewal pdf  



Payment can be made by eftpos

Account Name: National Council of Women of WA Inc. 

BSB:                  066 110 

Account No:      1015 7530









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